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DHD Bone Roller - Dedhed Designs

DHD Bone Roller

Lightly frosted semi-translucent green – Jolly Rancher Green colorway


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DHD Bone Roller


Introducing the Bone Roller, our official descent into the underworld of skill toys. Modeled after Pugzuzu’s dog bone–a true fan favorite–this knuckle roller is designed to play, look, and feel like nothing you’ve ever rolled before. Weighing in around 33.6 g, the bone roller is forged from the same tough resin that powers our Dedweights and HedStandz. Hand-sanded to perfection and polished with an axe wax, its frosted finish offers the perfect balance of slickness and grip—allowing it to glide across your fingers with precision and control. Whether you’re expanding your DHD collection, completing the Pugzuzu set or adding to your EDC catalog, the Bone Roller is your ultimate companion in the twisted world of Dedhed skill toys.


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