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Pugzuzu - Nickelodeon Edition - Dedhed Designs

Pugzuzu – Nickelodeon Edition

(1 customer review)

Bold blue and green with orange highlights – Nickelodeon colorway


Only 1 left in stock

Pugzuzu – Nickelodeon Edition


Grab your crucifixes and fill the dog bowl with holy water, because Pugzuzu clawed his way to your doorstep from the depths of hell. Beware, this pup is anything but a good boy. With his fearsome teeth bared in a terrifying snarl and an ominous “X” marked on his forehead, this demonic dog brings spine-chilling horror straight from your nightmares. Don’t let his twisted grin fool you—hidden behind his back is a menacing kitchen knife engraved with “good boy,” ready to slash your flesh and infect your soul. His leash hangs from a spiked collar, dragging a still-attached severed hand, hinting at the terrifying tales of his unholy adventures. Inspired by the eerie chills of Pazuzu and possession flicks, Pugzuzu is your gateway to a world where cuddly meets creepy and pets aren’t what they seem.

Mix and match this fiendishly fun character with other Dedweights and HedStandz to create scenes of pure horror and twisted delight.


1 review for Pugzuzu – Nickelodeon Edition

  1. Dirtbag_edc

    All DEdWeights are splendid, but Pugzuzu is the best yet! The perfect blend of cute, demonic, and playability. Grab yourself a Good Boy before there gone.

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