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The Yeti - Icy Blue - Dedhed Designs

The Yeti – Icy Blue

(1 customer review)

Satin, original white and ice blue colorway.


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The Yeti – Icy Blue

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Lurking in the icy shadows, the ever-elusive Yeti is just waiting to creep his way into your Dedweight collection. From his fearsome face to his razor-sharp fangs, the Yeti is 11 grams of sinister heft perfectly balanced to elevate your 5A game. Hand-painted with a touch of madness and shielded with Cerakote, these beastly creatures maintain their ghoulish good looks for years to come.

1 review for The Yeti – Icy Blue

  1. Claudia Vasconcelos

    Claudia Vasconcelos

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