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Team Dedhed - Dedhed Designs

Meet Team Dedhed

Ty McClellan


Yoyo experience: 7 years
Favorite play style: 5A and 3A
Favorite horror entertainment: Uzamaki, or anything with zombies

Ty first discovered modern yoyoing while watching an MTV dating show called “Next” sometime around 2006. When he saw a contestant (unsuccessfully) attempting to impress a girl with a Brain Twister, Ty was hooked. Shortly after, he found Mickey’s freestyle from the 2005 World Yoyo Contest and immediately bought a YoyoJam Speed Maker. He later discovered Jake Bullock and Tyler Severance’s 5A style and, as he describes it, “it was all downhill from there.”

Ty lists his other influences as Jon Rob, Dana Bennett, and Sterling Quinn, exclaiming, “Those dudes made me fall in love with 5A.”

Jeff Anderson


Yoyo experience: 25 years
Favorite play style: 5A and 1A
Favorite horror entertainment: Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead

A product of the 90s yoyo boom, Jeff grew up perusing toy sections for Pro Yos, Yomegas, Wooden BC Yoyos, and more. In college, he discovered modern yoyo play on the Skilltoys message board, prompting him to shop for a real ball bearing yoyo. In the process, forum buzz over a brand new throw piqued his interest; It was a blue Freehand Zero. That purchase catapulted Jeff’s 5A and 1A journeys in tandem. With the support of the yoyo community, Jeff found himself realizing another longtime interest: yoyo dyeing. After dyeing more yoyos than he can remember, he went on to collaborate with Rain City Skills where he eventually released a Delrin model.

Jeff lists his 5A heroes as Augie, Steve Brown, Doc Pop, Jake Bullock, Miggy, Tyler, Drew Tetz, Josh Yee and Jack Ringca. He also threw a nod to new school players: Theodore Munoz, Sean Collins, Byran Jardin, and Jake Austin.


Tyler Jorgensen


Yoyo experience: 15 years
Favorite play style: 5A and 1A
Favorite horror entertainment: The Haunting of Hill House and the entire Friday the 13th series

Hailing from Eastern Washington, Tyler joins Team Dedhed with a newfound enthusiasm for 5a. Though he has dabbled in the style throughout his fifteen years of play, Tyler’s focus turned to 5A in 2022. 

Between founding clubs and hosting statewide contests, Tyler has earned his station in the yoyo community. He recounts running the Idaho state contests two years in a row with pride and excitement, calling it “an amazing experience.” Tyler currently heads up the Tri-cities Yo-Yo Club, and he is looking to build its membership. We encourage any players in the area to reach out to him.

Dave Adams


Yoyo experience: over 40 years
Favorite play style: 5A and 1A
Favorite horror entertainment: Let the Right One In (2008), Train to Busan (2016), Shaun of the Dead (2004) Cabin in the Woods (2011)

Dave is the founding member of the current iteration of Mile High Yoyo Club (est. 2019). He has enjoyed yoyo since his father showed him some basic tricks as a young boy. Dave placed second in the Over-40 Division at the 2023 US National Yoyo Competition (using 5A style). He also holds the record for worst injury in yoyo competition history!

Dave’s influences are a list longer than his memory allows – so many have left their fingerprints on his mind and spirit including but not limited to Steve Brown, Doc Pop, Jon Gates, John Higby, Dale Oliver, Guy Wright, Jake Bullock, Tyler Severance, Miguel Correa, Jensen Kimmitt, and Augie Fash.

Professor Nando


Yoyo experience: 14 years
Favorite play style: 5A and 1A
Favorite horror entertainment: As Above So Below, Junji Ito

Nando first picked up a yoyo from his grandfather when he was just  eight years old. He always had a knack for it but never took it seriously until picking up a Duncan Mosquito after breaking his collar bone in high school. He wore it down to the friction stickers, then wondered why it wouldn’t bind. At that time, he found YoyoExpert, and the rest, as they say, is history.

Nando is inspired by Jon Rob, Doc Pop, Samm Scott, Miguel Correa, Ty McClellan, and Nick Pelham.